8 things that I started doing at the age of 33
Age is just a number

Life is nothing but a ride. A ride towards a destination. And so it’s not all about reaching the destination but enjoying the journey all along. Usually people try experimenting with their lives in their early 20’s. It’s the time when your risk taking appetite is more. But sometimes a stage comes when you feel so alive which you haven’t felt ever in your life. Mine came at the age of 33.
- Pursuing for higher studies — sometimes all you just want is to believe. I always wanted to go for higher studies abroad. Never I was able to make up mind. But this year I finalized it despite facing a pandemic. This was one of the toughest decisions to be made. But my father realized what importance this opportunity holds in my life. And now I am here in UK to pursuing my dreams.
- Learning languages — this was there in my mind but never emphasized upon until 2020 made me to think on things i have been missing on. I enrolled & completed Beginners level A1 & A2 for French. I learnt programming languages and worked on my coding skills as well. I tried to learn everything which I never had but which I really wanted now. Learning should never stop. Even after completing your University one should keep this practice of learning going. Learning makes you aware and in time with the trends.
- Starting fresh - This was one of the biggest decisions to take upon considering the fact where I was at this stage of life. I have been working as an Resource Strategizing professional from the past 8 yrs. But lately started to had this feeling to achieve more in life. It was at this time after giving a considerable amount of thought that I decided to switch over my career & to do something which I would enjoy even more now. It’s been 6 months since I left my job and and now onto the quest of securing what I really want.
- Volunteer — sometimes in order to survive the struggles of life, we believe that it is just we who are leading such a life, that it has become pointless and directionless. However, It’s just that you have to step outside & face the reality ahead in this world. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. I couldn’t be more aware of the ground reality of the education system in India until I became a part of it. I joined hands with Teach For India and started my work towards achieving this education equality. For me, it was an amazing experience to lead the young students. I believe we all here & to play our part on this thought that "You really can change the world".
- Reading — books are a person’s best friend & rightly so. Since I had been very fond of history so I started with reading books on historical events, read a lot on mythology due to a keen interest, books on life philosophies & biographies. Never I was so engulfed in these books but now. Pick up anything of your interest & you’ll realise essence the books carry.
- More family time— friends play an important part in your life but when it’s the need of the hour even the best of best stumble. At last it’s your family that stands with you and will do every bit to help you realise what you are seeking in your life. It was my family that came out in full support when I was left stranded. And it is rightly said family’s stick together.
- Positive thinking — this age came with a change that I never thought of inducing into myself. I was a person who couldn’t spend weekend without planning to meet my friends. Life teaches you everything and it shows who you really can be. But in these ups and downs, I realised that at last it’s only you who is responsible for your own happiness. It begins with you, not with your lover, not with your friends not with your job but with you only. And it’s never too late to find out the ’how’.
- Write what you want — it all started when I developed my urge to read. When I started reading the stuff which interests me, the feeling to write grew in me. I decided to write blogs in areas which i had the knowledge of. Writing is very good habit to develop which gives you the power to illustrate your observation. You can write about anything you want. If you are knowledgeable in a particular field, share your skills with the people out there. It gave me immense joy when my work used to get appreciated.
So get up, listen to your inner self and start doing. Bring a change in your yourself and you’ll see what it brings back to you. It’s never too late to do anything. Do it today so that you don’t have to regret it tomorrow. And just believe in what you do.